Remember Sean Nelson's variety show, All Things to All People? Man, that was some awesome shit. It was the closest thing Seattle's had to NYC's Antihootenanny at the Sidewalk Cafe, which is basically an open-mic night that doesn't suck. Imagine that! A bar opens up the stage to indie and antifolk songwriters, they try out new stuff, and everybody gets drunk! No coffee-shop vibe, no miserable goth poetry. Imagine hearing songs in progress by Dave Bazan or Erik Blood! Did you ever hear Ben Gibbard's early stages of "We Will Become Silhouettes"? You MIGHT HAVE if Seattle had a rowdy, indie-rock open-mic night! So, on the theme of regrets, I regret that the open-mic forum has yet to be stolen from the hippies, and—in Seattle—remains distinctly uncool. CORIANTON HALE