MAY 2, 2002 · VOL. 11, NO. 33

by A. Birch Steen
Stranger Ombudsman & OSHA Board of Governors Member

FRONT OF BOOK Letters: An actual full page of letters. Is The Stranger finally heeding my complaints?... Last Days: Unavailable at deadline... NEWS News Lead: The longest TDO article yet. Does this signal that The Stranger's obsession with this minor issue will soon be coming to an end?... News Follow(s): Only one this week. At least it's a good story... Five to Four: Actually worth reading, which is somewhat shocking... SHORT FEATURE: The Stranger promotes vandalism. No one is surprised... FEATURE: Every once and a while The Stranger publishes a good feature. Next week, however, I'm sure they will return to their normal mediocre form... FILM Film Lead: It is typical of The Stranger to condemn a film without having seen it. Also, why is Josh Feit reviewing films anyway?... Film Follow(s): Didn't read... BOOKS Books Lead: Highly entertaining... Books Follow: In conjunction with the Books Lead... ART Also in conjunction with the Books Lead (why such a narrow focus in Books and Art this week?)... THEATER A full review, plus three smaller reviews... CHOW Didn't read... MUSIC Music Lead: It is good to see The Stranger take an anti-drug stance for once/well written... Music Follow(s): Didn't read; Skimmed... ETC. The Band: A new column. Why is Music Editor Jennifer Maerz so eager to turn over her section to non-journalists?... One-Night Stand: Ms. Maerz turns to obscenity too quickly. (Does The Stranger need to purchase her a thesaurus?)... Celeb I Saw U: Too gay... I Love TV: Skimmed, found tiresome (as usual)... Savage Love: Didn't read... Control Tower: Didn't read... Obits: Didn't read.