NEWS 10 Stranger news editor JOSH FEIT is on vacation. May it be a long one. In his place, ERICA C. BARNETT is "editing" the news section. Here is the e-mail I received from Ms. Barnett in response to my inquiries about the content of her section this week: "We report on an alleged sex scandal at a local clinic, a solution to the recent Pride Parade problem, a story on domestic partnerships in Washington State, and an article on posters. Also, my column, In the Hall. —Best, Erica" If I may translate: "This week's news section features a sex scandal, scandalous sex, misguided legislative attempts to legitimize scandalous sex, and the usual pandering to the syphilitic mob that this paper insists upon calling the 'music community.' —Best, A. Birch"

FEATURE 15 Critical MessJEN GRAVES, the only sharpened pencil in this battered case, files a story on a prominent local art critic whose collection of artwork, to say nothing of the means by which it was amassed, has raised ethical questions. It's a terrific story, so well reported that one wonders how Ms. Graves managed to slip it past her meddling, mendacious editors. I can only presume that Ms. Graves has "the goods" on Mr. Savage, et al., and is therefore able to insist on outside editing.

PULLOUT 2007 Musicians' Resource DirectoryThe Stranger's annual Musicians' Resource Directory has never featured a guide to area rehab clinics and sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of venereal diseases. That might be useful. Instead, it has always been an exhaustive list of, believe it or not, the names of bands. What purpose was served? God alone knows. This year, however, a new music editor, Mr. Zwickel, has produced a Musicians' Resource Directory that may actually be useful to area musicians in need of direction. Rehab and VD clinics are omitted, once again, but there is a good deal of information that may be of benefit. Mr. Zwickel could prove to be a second Ms. Graves.