If the name Kelly Aiken isn't familiar to you, you haven't been paying attention. For years Aiken has been a part of the local music community—as a fan, musician, promoter, and booker. He was in the now-defunct Bellingham band Ancille (whom I raved about years ago), and currently he's half of the two-guitar powerhouse in the melodic hardcore act the Shook Ones (who have a new record coming out in October on Revelation, but more on that in a couple weeks). Aiken has devoted time to booking shows in Bellingham at various venues throughout the city (including DIY and house shows) as well as at Western Washington University. And if you want to get into a discussion about the band Lifetime, he'll gladly talk your ear off, as they're one of his favorite bands (mine, too, despite their recent questionable career moves).

Most recently, though, Aiken is making a name as the new booker at the Kirkland Teen Union Building. You're probably familiar with some other Eastside venues that host rock concerts—both Ground Zero and the Old Fire House have been around for over a decade. But the Kirkland Teen Center has had its share of glory, too. I remember seeing one of the best shows of my life at the Kirkland Senior Center, before KTUB was built—including Death Cab for Cutie, Juno, and Waxwing. They were amazing. And now that Aiken has taken over, he hopes to make its presence in the community that much stronger. He started this past summer, and so far, he says, it's the best job he's ever had. "Everyone [at KTUB] has done the rounds at the Fire House, Ground Zero, and Vera. Some of them actually booked my old bands when I was younger," he says. "It's great to be working with people who are totally into and knowledgeable about what they're doing. The kids that come to KTUB are also totally awesome. There's a crew of regulars who are really smart, involved, and fun kids."

Taking a cue from past lessons learned, Kelly tries to keep things varied when putting together a bill for KTUB, and—good news for all you younger bands—he's also into giving newer bands a break.

"I love giving younger bands the opportunity to play, especially when it's with the bands that they look up to and respect," he explains. "I remember being younger and shitting bricks about playing with the bands I loved, even if they were local, so I'm way into trying to make that happen for kids around here."

To contact Aiken about booking, e-mail ktubbooking@gmail.com. "Send me a demo, some MP3s, a MySpace link, whatever, just as long as I can listen to your band." And as for shows he's already marked down in the books, you can find KTUB's calendar online at www.ktub.org.