Dear assholes who organized Saturday's anti-war march:

Maybe I'm weird, but when I show up for a MARCH at NOON, I don't expect to be forced to listen to two hours of shitty speakers while stuck out in the RAIN. People arrived energized, ready to take action--but instead of taking action, you did what so many liberals before you have done: talk talk talk, instead of walk walk walk. By the time I decided that enough was enough, I was soaked through. If we had actually started marching at a decent time, I wouldn't have been nearly as wet or cold as I was. Who the fuck are you to talk about universal health care when you make people stand out in the rain for two hours? People showed up to march, not get soaked through in the rain while listening to incoherent speeches by retards so stupid that they kept Jim Freakin' McDermott away from the mic because he was "a dirty politician." McDermott's done more for liberal causes than all of your "speakers" combined. Next time, get two speakers that don't suck, have them each speak for 15 minutes, and get the march on the road. Oh, and don't turn away freakishly popular congressmen who offer to speak, retards. And when the audience starts chanting "Start the March!" over and over again--maybe you should take their advice.
