Your professors are more destitute than you.
One thing about Cornish not mentioned in the brochure is that the professors are dirt poor. According to a May 2000 national survey of the lowest salaries of full professors, Cornish took dead last with $27,800, which translates, after taxes, into roughly $850 per check. This paycheck must somehow absorb these harsh realities, which can be found on "A one bedroom apartment rents for an average of $786 per month.... For a janitor or retail sales clerk [or a full professor at Cornish], this means rent comprises more than [or near to] 48% of their gross income. For a full-time minimum wage worker, the figure is over 66%. To purchase Seattle's average $310,000 home would require an average family income of more than $80,000 per year." In short: Cornish professors don't eat and are homeless. The fact that they are alive at all, let alone teaching classes, is a miracle of the first order. Charles Mudede