This is Africa. The punk band is called TCIYF (ā€œThe Cum in your Faceā€). Its members are black African. It is based in Soweto, South Africa. Why are blacks making punk music? From Africa Is a Country:
ā€œWeā€™re from Soweto but kwaito [South African hiphop/house combo] was way too slow for us, hip hop was way too monotonousā€¦ so boring! All they do is say nothing. So we just wanted to do something that was powerful...ā€
But judging from the song and the post, TCIYF also says a lot of nothing. But there is a difference here. It is not the same kind of nothingness as, say, the nothingness of AKA (SA's Jay Z). There's much more danger in TCIYF's cultural vacuum.