I'm one of those people who feels sympathetic enough with the Greens (and disappointed enough in Hillary) to be on the fence. However, you made an excellent point about how a movement must be built from the ground up, not just run a candidate for president every four years. It's an argument I haven't heard elsewhere, but it makes complete sense. When you look at other countries (Canada for instance) parliamentary systems force new parties to run candidates at local levels, because that's where government is formed. Or in other systems, new movements are willing to form coalitions with other parties (in effect, compromise) to win influence. In fact, that's what Bernie has done with Hillary: he has formed that kind of coalition, and made that kind of compromise, in order to force through some of his agenda. It was very hard work, but that's how it's done in civilized societies. So thanks for making me think about all of this.

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