Whoever thought that Trump could be anything other than Trump was proved wrong last night.
If anyone is still thinking that Trump can be anything other than Trump, last night's immigration speech should banish that thought forever from your mind. Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com

Yesterday, Donald Trump flew to Mexico and met with President Enrique Peña Nieto for a private discussion and a photo opportunity. During the private discussion, Trump said the two "didn't discuss" whether Mexico would pay for the wall Trump promises to build along the Mexico-U.S. border. EPN said that the two did talk about the wall, and that he told Trump Mexico wasn't going to pay for it. But who are you going to believe. The President of Mexico, or the person who didn't write The Art of the Deal?

During the photo opportunity, Trump said he wanted to "improve" NAFTA, work with Mexico to keep our "hemisphere" safer, called EPN "a friend," and said that he has a "tremendous amount of feeling for Mexican Americans."

These overtures suggested to some that Trump was going to "soften" his immigration policies, an idea that Trump vomited all over later that day during his speech on immigration in Arizona. Instead of "softening," he re-asserted his old primary candidate self by ramping up the xenophobic rhetoric and revealing a "10-point" immigration plan that sounds a lot like the immigration plan he's been spouting at random since he began his campaign.

Before we get going it's nice to remember that the number of undocumented people entering the U.S. has decreased over the last five years, that the U.S. doubled the number of Mexicans it deported between 2005—2013, that living in the U.S. without papers is not actually a crime in and of itself, that undocumented workers do pay taxes and some argue also improve the U.S. economy, and that "minutemen" at the border are renaissance fair nerds dressed in paramilitary drag.

But those are just stupid facts that could mean LITERALLY anything.

What's ACTUALLY HAPPENING, according to Trump in his immigration speech last night, is that immigrants are pouring into our country and committing tons of crimes. And what Trump would do "in the first hour" of his presidency is deport all "criminal aliens." Which is, of course, impossible.

He reasserted his desire to build a "beautiful" wall, which is, of course, impossible. He wondered openly if ICE could deport Hillary Clinton. No. They can't.

At one point, he brought out the "Angel Moms." One by one they walked to the microphone and claimed that their children were killed by "illegal aliens," and then they encouraged people to vote for Trump. The implication here is that Trump will deport all immigrants who have committed crimes (which has been the focus of Obama's deportation strategy, too), and that this will ensure the safety of America's children.

I don't mean to diminish the suffering of these parents, but the kind of pre-cog logic they're using is deeply flawed. Imagine if we used this same argument against U.S. law enforcement, who also kill U.S. citizens. And what if we deported white men in their early thirties, who commit the most sexual assaults? Wouldn't we be safer then? Immigrants are actually less likely to commit violent crimes than U.S. citizens. Turns out we'd be "safer" if we followed the advice on that plaque beneath that one statue in New York.

Anyway, how'd the speech go over? Former imperial wizard for the KKK, David Duke, loved it. Latino Trump surrogates didn't. The U.S.'s 11 million unauthorized immigrants who already live their lives in constant fear of being deported, according to Vox, probably didn't like it one bit.