
he smokes weed and he was nervous, ok?

I can only name like 10-12 off the top of my head.
Favorite is a better question for preferred ice cream, shouldn't a gotcha for a "favorite" head of state. Just again shows the sophomoric trigger happy rabid stupidity of Chris Mathews.
@2 Sure it's kind of a dumb question, but Johnson should still have been able to answer it.
@2: ah, but the correct answer is always "Netanyahu", because the needs of Israel outweigh the needs of the other 50 American States.
Hahaha. No. See we're supposed to want somebody who can "cook and not write recipes" or some such total nonsense some idiot here said.

Yeah. It's not fair to expect the future leader of the free world to KNOW things.
Difficult to gain any knowledge when you've only read one book in your whole life!
Merkel was a good answer for a key demographic of voters, though (ie, not Libertarians).…
Chris Matthews is terrible, which makes him a perfect moderator for this silly debate.
This is "gotcha!" journalism, just like that time Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin to name any newspaper or magazine she's ever read! How dare he!
To be fair, there are a LOT of shitty world leaders right now. If you're not a liberal/progressive type, Justin Trudeau is probably not your cup of tea. Merkel has pissed off a lot of people with her handling of the Syrian refugee crisis and EU debt relief. Great Britain just got a new PM, so no record to speak of. Netanyahu is a warmonger, Latin American "democracies" lurch from one kleptocrat to another, and African nations are largely run by despots & idiots. Former Soviet republics are mostly run by autocrats, as are Arab nations. Shinzo Abe is a nationalist that appears to be trying to revive Japanese militarism.
I think a lot of Americans would have trouble naming a world leader they "admire".
He actually gave an answer that Mathews dismissed.

Personally I can't think of a World Leader that he could have named who wouldn't have alienated his base..
Johnson simply couldn't name any world leaders, and ultimately pull "Fox" out of his memory. Vincente Fox was president of Mexico during Johnson's tenure of governor of New Mexico, but Fox's presidency ended November 30, 2006, almost ten years ago. That is the second instance Johnson displayed of his utter lack of preparation for this campaign, let alone the presidency, along with exhibiting some really bizarre behavior. I suspect the vast majority of his support in the polls is made up of people who haven't heard him speak and haven't read the Libertarian platform.

And if you don't think there are any world leaders to admire, name a few and discuss your differences.

Isn't it funny when an isolationist can laugh about Aleppo?

Asshole. Fuck libertarians.

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