For the benefit of people who don't follow weather patterns, bombogenesis, is a rapidly-intensifying cyclone, a storm that has a drop in barometric pressure of 24 millibars in less than 24 hours. That's what meterologist Cliff Mass, who dropped this word on his weather blog today, says is going to happen to the big storm that's set to wallop the Pacific Northwest on Saturday.

So lots of people now have a new favorite word and I have a reason to post a bunch of videos of Phil Collins drumming.

Enjoy these on Saturday as you sip bottled water and heat up canned goods between power outages:

This is less about drumming than the different ways one can use a drumstick:

This guy gets it:

EOD=End of Day. We're done. Go home. You don't need to comment that some of these aren't Genesis. I know.