
Out of curiosity, why just the editorial and editorial design department? Why not writers? How about the rest of the staff?
You are carrying about 10X the homosexual staff you need to reflect the population.
Pink slips, anyone?
Oh that's adorable. Local Business conducts diversity survey of less than half of staff, finds self totally diverse.

Came here for "why just a fraction of the staff? Are you incapable of asking your advertising, business, and operations employees these questions?" but @1 beat me to it.

The Stranger's masthead lists at least 30 more workers than the 21 you decided to include in this farce of a "diversity survey."
@1, @3, many of the newspaper diversity surveys have thus far focused on the newsrooms itself (and don't generally include operations and sales staff). Editorial staff does include the staff writers. The survey includes the Things To Do Section, Editorial, and the Design staff. We also reached out to our regular freelancers, and since only a few chose to participate, so we opted to stick with staff only.

#JournalismSoWhite is an inherently racist tag.

Rev King dreamed of a day when people would be judged by their character,
not their skin color.

Dismissing journalists because they are white makes Rev King sad.

Stop it.

You measure superficial traits and congratulate yourself for your diversity;
the cupcakes have different colors of icing but it is all just the same bland conformist Leftism with food coloring.
You lack the courage or integrity to embrace diversity that matters,
diverse beliefs, ideas, ideals.
@6 Yeah, CC is an idiot, is all those things you said and is often wrong. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. That hashtag is racist. But it about hatred of whites, so it's ok.

The only people who think it is anti-white racism are white people who get nervous if they feel outnumbered by people of color.

I mean, the fact that you are agreeing with that piece of filth should set off major alarms.
@9 this is an exemplar of the kind of thinking that has given rise to the Trump candidacy. The coarse, nasty hatred in tone and rhetoric embodied by Trump didn't start with him. It came from all of us, on the right and on the left. In a time when someone who holds a different perspective or who simply disagrees is dismissed as an evil shitlord, all problems, issues and ideas reduce to uncompromising unthinking agressive hate filled accusations of one ism or another. It comes from all sides of the political system and Trump is its bastard child. He sucked on that tit and we - all of us- raised him and his followers to be exactly what they are.

Here's a perspective for you to hate (all good 21st Century American hate all that doesn't accord exactly to their ideas - it's what we've become); compare that hash tag to #prisonssoblack. That's racist, right? Can you see why a black person might be affronted, frustrated, even angry by that hashtag, though it is true?

When you see all the world in racial terms you can only be a racist. It has become our national discourse on both the right and the left; hatred, unwillingness to listen to different perspectives, and condemning those who dare to disagree. This election is the new normal. Because of the nature of our national discourse there is now nowhere to go from here. In the immortal words of Hubert J. Farnsworth; "I don't want to live on this planet anymore".
So, Seattle's about three times more Asian than the Stranger masthead. Maybe that hashtag should be #journalismsooccidental?
If the biggest idiot in the comment threads says what I'm doing is wrong, I don't want to be right.


The poster in question holds a "different perspective" the way David Duke holds a different perspective. Good luck with that.
Wow, sorry to upset you ladies with a different perspective.
Judging people by their skin color is the definition of racism.
Look it up.
We'll wait….

Nice when you can get what you want.
It seems to come naturally to you, as well.
Maybe one day you'll get what you need.

9 etc
You seem very tense.
Would you like a donut?

@4 Thank you.
Do you feel that the numbers represented by this survey would have been consistent if all the staff was included/ chose to participate?

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