Private prisons would likely be a clear winner under Trump...
"Private prisons would likely be a clear winner under Trump..." sakhorn/

What was bad in the past is going to get much worse in the future. Two corporations that make money from prisoners, and have names right out of a 1980s dystopian flick (Corrections Corp. and GEO Group), saw their shares surge after Trump won the presidential race. It is thought that not only will he stop the de-privatization of prisons (a process begun by a man whose presidency is already beginning to look and feel like a dream, Obama), but will throw undocumented immigrants who cant be deported into the value extraction system.

This is just the start of what will be four years of unraveling the economy and exploiting the exposed poor. They will get less social services and more guns, more cops, and more prisons. (Read Ijeoma Oluo's review of Ava DuVernay's 13th)