Don't get comfortable.

That was comedian John Oliver's message to viewers last night, when he addressed Donald Trump's shocking presidential win on November 8.

On Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, he summed up his feelings about this election year: "I thought I wanted it to be over but now that it's over I wish it was still going on because it turns out the ending is even worse twenty-fucking-sixteen."

Oliver reminds viewers of what a Trump presidency entails—from his support from the KKK to his power to shape the Supreme Court: "It was been wave after wave of nausea all week."

But since Trump isn't going away, Oliver asked: "How the fuck did we get here and what the fuck do we do now?”

"Optimism can feed into the normalization of Donald Trump," Oliver warns. "Giving him a chance is dangerous."

He goes on to note actions that Trump has already taken, which beget concern, not optimism: his appointment of a climate change denier to head the Environmental Protection Agency transition, and his chief of staff picks, which include Stephen Bannon, a man who oversees an alt-right news site appreciated by white nationalists and few else.

Oliver encouraged viewers to do more than "sharing thinkpieces or videos like this one that echo around your bubble." To start, make recurring donations to organizations that will need particular help under a Trump presidency, such as Planned Parenthood, the International Refugee Assistance Project, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Trevor Project, and more.

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