News Dec 10, 2016 at 9:03 pm


YAY! So from that video it looked like they scored 5 to 10 free shots yeah? So the score was what? 10 to 1?
In the last 3 seconds of that video Roman Torres appears to be draped in some kind of flag. If it were a Panamanian flag, that would be kinda cool. If, however, it were a Canadian flag, then it would be not cool.

Can anyone tell? This touchy Canadian wants to know.

Nevertheless, congratulations to the Sounders.
@2 stand down, it's a Panamanian flag.
This was Dan's best piece in months! Thanks Dan!
Stephen Frei's lunging save in extra time was reminiscent of Richard Sherman's endzone tip against the Niners in the 2014 NFC Championship game. Game savers both. Congrats to the Sounders!
DOUG. @6, good comparison. For me, a closer comparison is goalkeeper Claudio Bravo's lunging save for Chile against Argentina in the final of the Copa America this year. As with the MLS Cup, that game ended up going into penalty kicks, and the goalkeeper who made the save ended up on the winning side. I know I'm not the most impartial observer, but I think the degree of difficulty on Frei's save was even greater. Or the perilousness.

Sounders winning MLS Cup this year of all years--in what was looking like their one truly disastrous season and when late in the season they had only an 8% chance of even making the playoffs, let alone going anywhere in the playoffs--you just can't make this stuff up. Or if you did, no one would believe you. It's a testament to the way the league, MLS, is set up.

Only disappointment. That we didn't see some goals last night. I realize: (A) kinda hard to score goals on the frozen tundra of BMO Field (see: Lambeau Field later today), and (B) if there had been some goals, Sounders probably woulda lost.
@1 - score was 5-4. How it works is (and someone geekier than me please correct me if I'm wrong):

Each side takes 5 penalty kicks in alternation with the other team. Whichever team is leading after 5 attempts each, wins. However, Toronto and Seattle each missed one, so the score was tied 4-4.

If the score is tied, then each team gets one chance to score, and the other team gets one chance to catch up (or pull ahead). If both teams score, or both teams miss, the score remains tied, and you do it over & over until one team scores & the other doesn't. Toronto missed their 6th shot, and Seattle scored on theirs, so the game was over.
We don't have a Sounders tag. We'll get our crack technical team on that first thing Monday morning.

Dan, could you also get someone to look into getting the profiles page working again? I've been banging on about this for 6+ months.

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