
I'd have more respect for her if she had stated the names of the reporters who took his bribes.

As it is, anyone associated with Faux News is covered in slime. I have a difficult time respecting her because of this association.
@1: you know her publisher and her severance package don't allow that. i can give you one obvious name: hannity. trump flat-out said he'd vouch for him.

as far as slime sticking to kelly, who knows better how the world of conservative white men works? she could call herself a dem in 2 years and waltz into the white house in a landslide. hell, by that time, she could primary trump and walk in.
I've read her book in public in Seattle and I got no dirty looks.
This is at least the second post you've written where you refer to BuzzFeed being a legitimate news source. I just can't fathom how you'd demean your own work by putting them on the same level as actual journalists.

I can't respect Megyn Kelly, she's been involved in far too many hit pieces by FOX over the last eight years to win any redemption for me for any strong words she might now have for Trump. It's like saying Goebbels tried to sue for peace a few times during WWII; who fucking cares?
@4: Hit pieces? Is that's what you call being gracious to guest you take issue with? The interviewee should be the subject of your wrath or praise, not the interviewer. You should evaluate Megyn on how well she's doing her job in asking tough questions and getting the person to talk candidly as must as possible in front of the cameras and bright lights.
Maybe Trump doesn't know how journalism works, but he knows how Fox works. I don't blame him at all for expecting good coverage from his cronies.

What I can't figure out is who Kelly thinks she's fooling wrapping herself up in Journalism! and expecting everyone to respect her. You don't suddenly become a Real Journalist because one day you stood up to Donald Trump.
@ 5,

Let's pretend that Donald Trump didn't happen. He wasn't in the debates, never said a thing about Megyn Kelly. Everything you know about her only comes from her years at Fox.

Would you still say she's a heroine?
Very interesting piece, Megan! I enjoyed it and shared it with friends.
Thanks for sparing me having to consider maybe reading this. If I were in the hospital. Alone. Under Arrest.
How many times have I heard conservatives whine about Donna Brazile "giving questions to Hillary" - which was complete and utter bullshit...

During this time Megyn kept her whiny ass shut. Not once did she point out that Fox News gave the Tangerine Tyrant questions. Not once did she inform her audience that Trump was bribing so-called "journalists"

No Megyn is a disgrace to the free press, and worse as a lawyer she knew exactly what she was doing.

Combine this with Comey and his cabal at the FBI collaborating with Trump to throw the election and there will never be a time that Trump will be considered "legitimate"
"if you call her an unlikely feminist antiheroine I will have blood coming out of my eyes"

"Even the ''liberal academic' Camille Paglia" is taking furious notes for her next shitpost of a troll article, copied and pasted from whatever defense of Sarah Palin as this generation's greatest "feminist".

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