
Might have been smart to pass this while Obama was still president...
i just called reicherts office to thank him for this move and offer additional encouragement for him to exhibit resistance to trump policies. in general i'm not a fan of the guy (nor am i a constituent of his, nor pramillas) but this is a commendable move no regardless of how results shake out.
Reichert is just politically-motivated.
All he's doing is responding to his perception of what his constituents want. What kind of politician is that who listens to the voters?!
Might be smart for Reichert to align himself with Jaypal more often. Otherwise we are coming after his seat and he is out of there.
This is no different from his environmental votes, an occasional sop to the moderates in his district. This bill has little chance of passage so he can support it with other Republicans knowing it's a no-cost way of staying in office.
Thanks sooo much Congresswoman Jayapal!

I was soooo hoping you would smear your're primary opponents as sexist so you could go to D.C. write useless meaningless go nothing bills that only help congressmen of the racist GOP keep their seat!

Way to help 'normalize' Mr. Reichert, someone who gets upset when a Ferguson, MO teenager portrays executioner police as pigs in a painting, but never ever has rebuked anyone for phrases like "islamo-facist".

And now another Sikh has been attacked in Western WA.

As MLK stated, silence is acquiescence.

Mr. Reichert did not tell the alt-right monster in Kent to murder that poor Sikh gentleman, but he has done NOTHING to stop people like him.

As a matter of fact, Ms. Jayapal's cco-sponsors party just voted to let mentally ill people have guns.

I had high hopes for Ms. Jayapal, but now I am looking for a 2018 challenger who understands their constituents' will and appreciates the danger that blind bipartisanship with the KGB/KKK/GOP has created for this country.

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