
Trump is playing this issue up to incite his base for the upcoming Supreme Court nominations.
Every time a federal judge overrules Trump he is able to tick his next nominee a little more to the Right.
Has anyone checked on Ruth lately?
We can hope that gropenfuhrer lashes out against the judiciary again, as his doing so would not help Gorsuch, however it appears for now that his babysitters aren't letting him play with Twitter.
@1 You can go back to Mom's basement now, caveboy, and stay there for the next 20 years.
The resistance is real and isn't going away.
AWESOME! Maybe bow someone can explain to the Orange Scourge what freedon of religion really means.
UGH, freedoM!
Maybe the colonization of the moon isn't a bad idea after all. Let #45 have it and re-locate all his remaining supporters (if there are any) and he can be King of his own planet.
At least it wasn't (New) Mexico doing him this time.
It's like Freeze Tag being played between the states/courts and the Executive branch.

We don't want to give him a platform up near the top of our gravity well where he can fling rocks down on us. Better to send him on a long, slow voyage to the outer system and dump him on a particularly unremarkable rock in the Kuiper Belt.
Today is the 14th anniversary of Rachel Corrie's death.
not going away for sure,
not for at least 20 years,
which is how long The Left will be 'resisting'
while the Right governs (and remakes the Supreme Court...)

At the rate the GOP is fucking things up - just like they always do - they'll be lucky to get four years before the voters get sick of their shit and the electoral pendulum swings back in favor of the Democrats, just like it always does. Then they'll clean up the mess and eight years later the electorate will have completely forgotten about how badly the GOP fucked things up previously (just like they always do) and the pendulum will swing back in their direction again, because that's apparently how the system of governance works in the U.S. nowadays.
@14: There is really no other way for a two party system to operate, frankly.
Every time Trump steps on a rake, his fans add another dimension to his chess game to account for it.

Hey Jefferson, do you ever worry that Trump's game is operating at a level that even you can't detect, much less comprehend?
Trump still retains his greatest asset;
the quality of not being Hillary Clinton.
No matter what happens, or doesn't happen,
his supporters will never ever in a gazillion years
wonder if they should have voted for Hil.
It's really an incredibly stress-free ride for Trump
and his supporters,
everyone is totally chill with what.ever.happens.


Well, I would think the constant "fucking things up" on the part of one of those two parties could definitely be addressed...

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