Neil Gorsuch is Donald Trumps Supreme Court nominee.
Neil Gorsuch is Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee. ALEX WONG / GETTY IMAGES

Four Democratic turncoats voted yes for Gorsuch; the rest grew spines and voted no. The filibuster is here, and the nuclear option is coming.

The turncoats:

Joe Donnelly (Ind)., Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Joe Manchin III (WV), Michael Bennet (Colo), should just do everyone a favor and admit they are Republicans. Feel free to give their challengers money during their next election.

Interestingly, during the motion to reconsider the filibuster, Bennet changed his yes vote to a no.

On the GOP side, not a single one of the Senators broke rank (McConnell's no vote is procedural). Not even the "reasonable" John McCain, who it turns out, is just good at talking out of both sides of his mouth and playing the press like a fiddle. Fuck them all.

Next up: voting to change the rules of the Senate, the nuclear option, and further deterioration of our government.