News Apr 7, 2017 at 9:36 am


Yeah, almost nobody likes anything the republicans do. They have to cheat, lie, and steal to get their shit elected.

The democrats could easily stop them, except the democrat voters are a bunch of crybaby pussies who pout in the corner if they don't get everything exactly their way.

Republican voters are brainless doormats and democrat voters are spoiled brat children.

I say we take off and nuke the entire country from orbit.
Justice Anthony Kennedy aged 80.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg aged 84.
Justice Stephen Breyer aged 78.

Reap what you sow Democrats. Reap what you sow.
@1 What (s)he said. Nuke the place. Start over.
@4: more to the point what does he think they sowed?
@5: you should get butt hurt over the fact that republicans should not have had this nominee at all. Garland should have had a hearing. He probably wouldn't have been approved either, but they stole Obama's constitutional right to nominate a qualified candidate and have him voted on yea or nay. Then, they changed the rules when they didn't get enough votes for this guy. It's not his qualifications that are the issue or his political leanings; it is the republican's refusal to play by the rules and willingness to fuck over everything they say they hold in high regard whenever it gets in their way. Our country is over, and it is almost entirely republican's fault. We can blame dem voters all we want, but these guys gerrymander their power, and then actively destroy the constitutional laws when it serves their purpose to keep power.

The SCOTUS filibuster was going to be dropped by the first party that encountered it, but we get it - Republicans really need a win so spin it how you want, this is what you all held your nose for anyway. Maybe the right can move on to governing now?
@2: "here's an aphorism that popped into my crabbed, angry, old white man brain. I think I'll deploy it rather than think about whether it has fuck all to do with the point I'm trying to make". - Don Ward
@2 - Yes, do tell, what is it that Democrats are "reaping"?

Considering what the GOP is sowing: illegal gerrymandering, petulant rules-changes to get their way, blatant obstructionism to deny court appointments, decent laws, etc. etc. ...I would worry what the GOP will be reaping in years to come.... the population continues to move into cities --blue cities-- virtually guaranteeing future Dem congressional and prez control.

I hate both parties, but at least Dems attempt some modicum of, you know, working for the benefit of the masses, however hobbled and hamstrung the GOP have made those attempts.

Chances are, āŠ„rump et. al. is the last gasp of white, racist control in this country... so they are trying to bend and break everything they can to ensure they hold on to power as long as possible, and influence the future via SCOTUS appointments. Put as many blacks in jail on minor drug charges, disable democratic voting, solidify their tenuous grasp on power.

It wouldn't surprise me, however, if the Koch Bros. plan to foment a Constitutional Convention ---a perfectly mental idea, in a time of extreme partisanship--- is a rushed move to burn in white oligarchy before the demographic wave forces them out of power for good.
@10. "Chances are, āŠ„rump et. al. is the last gasp of white, racist control in this country..."

I hope this is true, but I suspect those who think it is are whistling past the graveyard. Mostly because your suggestion for the reason Trump is in power is simplistic and ignores a great many other contributing factors.
Blow Donald-ly
Heil Heitkampf
J/O Manson

These are the 3 "Democratic" senators who voted for Gorsuck.
The Dems should be investigating McConnell right down to the minutiae. They should find out everything...I mean everything that can be known about him, including of course who his donors are, on what boards (corporate, religious, social) he sits, where he donates money. The Dems need to send a high powered carpet bagging dem to Kentucky to run for Senator. McConnell needs to go! He has been a disrupting force to our democracy for far too long. He acts and votes as if his party is battling the Dems as if they are "all that is good" and them Dems are "all thT is bad." The GOP requires its elected members to sign loyalty oaths, which prevents virtually all from voting their consciences (should they have one).

The democrats are paying for "reaching out" and "finding a compromise."
Whether you like it or not, those traits often viewed as ā€œweaknessā€ by voters, especially those on the wrong side.
And in case you forgot, Pres Obama had both chambers of congress for his first two years.

@2 Fuck you. I hope you die. Soon. So I can dance and piss on your worthless grave. Sincerely - the world.
@15 It's not weakness but their betrayal. Establishment Democrats are hostage to corporate money in politics so they can't deliver what their constituency wants like universal healthcare, getting corporate money out of politics, etc..
@17: actually it's largely the filibuster that prevents that.
So 17 you and your stupid meme helped elect a Republican administration a quantom leap MORE corrupt and endebted to corporate money.

Goldman Sachs has been handed the Treasury, happy now?
@11 - I do realize that there are quite a number of factors contributing to āŠ„rump's (hopefully brief) ascendance.. critically, the decline of the American Empire's power. But he is, above all, the corporate elite's pick... and has already done his job in a) providing a smokescreen for Congress, and b) packing his cabinet with pro-corporate/anti-govt ideologues.

Congress passes primarily what the rich/corporate types want... not what the majority of the American people want. We've been sliding in favor of concentrating corporate power, and suppressing democracy, for many years now. āŠ„rump solidifies those gains and allows the GOP to: restrict minority voting, give away nat'l lands to corporate interests, eviscerate regulations that limit corporate "freedom"... at the expense of human & environmental interests. etc. etc.

Yes, it may be hopeful whistling past the graveyard (thanks teaching me that metaphor!), and I do want to hold on to some hope (for various important reasons). But things are dark, and getting darker, and I really doubt they'll get too much better before I die.

Those in power don't actually want "democracy", they never have. It's too "chaotic". So it's all about 'managing the little people' so that the rich can do whatever they want with their money (fucking sociopaths that they are). Throw us a few bones, make it such that were 'comfortable enough' not to rise up, and after the 60s they realized that mortgages and student loans were an ideal way to entrap young adults so that they had less leisure time and were therefore less likely to protest.. and demand democracy.

At etymological root, "Democracy" essentially translates to: the Violence of the People.
Kratos was the god of war. (Yes, it can also mean 'power', but the root of -kratos is really violence.) Elites don't want that. Never have, never will.
My Mom will be 85 this year and she's doing just fine. I believe she and the Notorious RBG will last another couple of years at least, and probably four. RBG works out.

However, I've been sticking pins in an orange voodoo doll for four months and that's been achieving bugger all :-(
A Supreme Court widely regarded as an extremist right wing tool to surpress the majority of the population will be ignored by society.

@18 The filibuster had nothing to do with Obama pushing for Romney care instead of medicare for all and nothing to do with Clinton claiming she needed corporate donations to run a campaign. I don't need to tell you what I think would have happened to citizen's united if a progressive won for running against it.

@19 As if Clinton and her 2nd lowest approval rating in history needed any help to piss off voters. Good job, asshole.
@23 Nonsense. A Supreme court of whatever ideological bent is the final court of appeals and therefore will never be ignored; it's far to important to our democracy and it's why Gorsuch's appointment is a big deal.


I suspect your idea of "widely regarded" doesn't extend beyond whatever echo chamber you are in.
@24: Her approval rating was low because fringe idiots like you swallowed the Russian/GOP propaganda. Her approval rating as SoS was ~65% when she left that job...and then the VRWC went into high gear when she began running for office again.

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