
It's terrible to think of how he is going to be exposed and eviscerated by the carnivorous demons of politics. This won't end well.
Bless that guy. This is exactly the kind of politics we need.
First, on Wisconsin! Second, a problematic neuter "their" could have been avoided using the participle "a."
He's 0-2 running for the state legislature. Not a promising start.
@4) Yup. Ryan's mentor Ayn Rand correctly said that you bring illness and disease upon yourself, so you better cure it yourself! She also admired the courage and genius of a notorious Serial killer. Good times.
Paul Ryan is a hatchet-faced little twerp, the millennial embodiment of Doug Neidermeyer. He is a shining light for those without ability, direction, knowledge, ethics and morals; they will always have a marketable skill set in U.S. congress.
@3: what is wrong with "their"? "Their" is fine with me.
Go @IronStache!
@ 7,

At age 47, aPaulling Lyin' is a GenXer over a decade older than the Millennials, who are our only hope of saving the country wrecked by the Silent Generation and the Boomers.

Let's also stipulate that there are extremely shitty people in every generation, and our despicable political system seems to keep them in power regardless.
@10) I was using the term 'millennial' as in 'new millenium' (aka 'now'), not to refer to the ersatz group of fat lazy children produced by GenX.
@12 and now that they're not directly helped by those institutions and policies, the Boomers are voting to dismantle the EPA, civil rights, earth day and all the other amazing things they took advantage of while they could, so fuck them.
Holy christ, does this really need to devolve into an idiot fight about whose was the best generation? People! There's serious shit to fight for and about! Blaming people of specific age groups - as if any age group is free of shitheads, assholes and bad ideas - is truly silly, and accomplishes nothing.

Loved the ad. I feel shitty that if this guy were to win, he would be steamrolled by the disaster that our political system is at present, and the complete inability to get a fucking thing done, particularly by any newbies with no money. I wish everybody running for office was somebody like this guy - a real person - a working person with a heart who genuinely gives a shit.
It's not about the characteristics of an entire generation (which is a silly concept already- as if it is the individuals in the generation in a void and not the historical/cultural context in which a minority of them make themselves known that makes the difference) but rather about the actions of the people in power and who that power serves. It really makes no difference that Donald Trump is a boomer and Paul Ryan is Gen X. Rush Limbaugh and Bernie are also boomers; Alex Jones and this man Randy Bryce are both also Gen X. So the fuck what? Anyone with half a brain can see that the fortunes and opportunities of a generation will correlate with the fortunes and opportunities in their society at their time. I'm sick of people shitting on Millennials as lazy or entitled. They are just millions of people trying to make their way in a time and place, just like the rest of us.

That said, I'm super impressed with the kiddos just beneath the millennials. When I get to work with college aged kids and kids under 25 (which I do a lot lately) I'm usually impressed by them. They are young and have all the pitfalls of being young of course, but these guys are going to change the world. It's not that they are brighter or harder working on average than individuals in any cohort - again, it's all about context. But the context they have right now is that there is no future unless they radically reconsider everything, so the brightest and hardest working of them are doing that. I think my own Gen X and (to a lesser extent) the Millennials still had the chance of really making it and creating a future under the status quo so what we see as increasing stagnation is just fewer and fewer people being able to make it in a time before anyone thought up an alternative. These kids now though, nope. They have to make something new, and it's exciting to see how they'll do it. It's also a bit scary since it could go in any direction, and there's all sorts of radicalization in this younger generation- good and bad and everything in between. In any case, we've been living in the shadow of the boomers for a couple generations now, and these new kids are going to be the ones to outshine them.

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