
Thank the FSM for Pramila Jayapal's leadership during our nation's headlong tailspin into dystopian, neo-Nazi insanity.

That said, there is zero chance that any RepubliKKKans will sign on to this, ever. Twitler still has an 80% approval rating from RepubliKKKan voters, and he's only saying out loud what they're all thinking.

Neo-Nazi Twitler voters only want one thing: us dead.
These repeated refusals of Republicans to take even symbolic action to repudiate even Trump's most egregious statements will all go down in the permanent record. These dead-on-arrival Democratic resolutions are recorded in the Congressional Record. Even if you think the 'fake news' is lying, the official record doesn't lie.

Every single time the Republicans look the other way, they are hitching their wagons to Trump and everything he stands for. They won't be able to pretend they didn't know, that they really disapproved, that they didn't help Trump.
@ 2,

I’m sure that Paul Lyan is deeply troubled by these remarks by some random, mysterious person that do not represent the real, true views of the RepubliKKKan party. (Yeah... riiiiiiiiiight)

Won't someone think of the tax cuts?!?!?
embarrassing how you traded pragmatic productive McDermott for lazy self-aggrandizing SJW Pramilalia Jayalapal. that guy must be spinning in his grave right now.

You're not from around these parts, are you?
@5- oh cool, i must've seen his ghost the other day then.
Am I missing something here? Trump clearly condemns the parties in which Jayapal says he doesn't. In his press conference yesterday Trump made it clear that he exercised some patience and didn't put out a full press statement regarding Charlottesville until he had fully digested the events and who was responsible. I find it alarming that the media outlets that get significant viewership were so quick to rally Americans behind them in saying Trump is OK with the KKK/White Nationalists/Neo-Nazis. He condemns them and condemns the parties responsible for creating a riot that ended in the loss of a life.

Trump is no poet and he's never going to sound that intelligent during a press conference unless it's pre-written. He just doesn't have that gift, but I will side with Dori Monson's take on the press conference and say that, while Trump definitely waited a bit too long to make his opposition to the alt-right protesters, a lot of people are responsible for the violence and some of those people weren't bearing the marks of the darkest parts of human history - some of those people were your under-educated "neighbors" that decided to create chaos. I get it - nobody likes a KKK rally, but you have to know that a show of force against a rally that wasn't out of hand was going to push it that direction. We as citizens need to be more aware of how we protest and when it is necessary to do so. What happened in Charlottesville just inched this country closer to Civil War II and that's a sequel we need to try and fight hard to avoid, because the first ended with the loss of 618,000 Americans (or more) and with how broken this country is and how ignorant so many people are we're definitely getting the train on the tracks for that (hopefully avoidable) eventuality.

And stop calling the Republicans "RepubliKKKans", they don't condone the KKK or White Supremacy. They stand for family values, smaller government, strong economy/strong business, and the ability for every American to create for themselves a healthy life that is provided to themselves, not some bleak entitled America. Calling them "RepubliKKKans" just makes you look like a major fool and totally clueless to the political layout of America. Grow up.
@8- Until I see the Republican Party dropping its support for Trump and his gang of Neo-Nazi sympathizing cronies, or at least repudiating the Confederacy and the mythology of the great "Lost Cause," I will conclude that they are in fact condoning white supremacy. Because that is exactly what they are doing.

Pretty hard to reach any other conclusion. In the spirit of even a stopped clock being right twice a day, however, I wholeheartedly agree with you that Trump is no poet and he does not sound intelligent. Possibly because he is one of the most ignorant men ever to hold high office in this country.

If we do wind up in Civil War 2.0, it will be largely because of the encouragement that Trump and his campaign gave to the Nazis, KKKers, and other assorted nativists/racists who supported him.
We have Trump, who refuses to part company with white nationalists, and Bernie Sanders, who refuses to part company with communists. They are both basically the leaders of their respective political parties.

America is turning into the Weimar Republic.

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