
But that's not enough, let's give him front page coverage on every news station too! Yipee!
wakey wakey

Three-quarters of flying insects in nature reserves across Germany have vanished in 25 years, with serious implications for all life on Earth, scientists say

Holder, the AG who didn't prosecute Big Banks endorses former US Attorney who did not prosecute big banks. The system works!
I have a difficult time believing that not burying power lines is cheaper for the public than entire neighborhoods being deprived of power for hours on end plus the expense of extensive repairs each times the wind rises above 30 mph.
Wow, anon1256 @2, thanks for sharing that. Kinda keeps things in perspective, doesn't it?
Pretty good investment for that shitbag Spencer, really. $10,000 to rent the space, that will cost the "bastion of liberal brainwashing" (as his type refer to any state university) $500,000 to provide security.
@ 3,

This can't be repeated enough. Holder and Obama's willful blindness and corrupt refusal to hold anyone on Wall $treet accountable for their frauds and crimes that caused the financial crisis is a huge part of the reason that we're in this gawdforsaken Tea Party/neo-Nazi/phony-populist failing national nightmare today.
@5 It does keep things in perspective yet I can't prevent myself from thinking how electing a grotesque reality TV host for president is very much related to the inability to address the multiple systemic crises (including ecological) we are facing.
Oh and also, kind if hypocrical of the left (what a surprise) to be outraged at someone spraying Muslims, but when the apt-left, like Antifascist assaults or pepper sprays people just for different beliefs, that is just fine and dandy. Lol
@9 I used to organize events at the College I attended for a couple of years. Our budget had to fund all security costs associated with an event, including street closures recommended by Police/Campus Security, as part of our lease agreement. Spencer should do the same - he's free to speak but accountable for the cost.

This is purely a failure on the part of U of F to hold organizers to a standard of safety for the event.
It wouldn't cost that much if the fringe left weren't willing to get violent. Seriously, he's a dirtbag, but that's the great thing about having our First Amendment Right to free speech, he gets to talk about what is bouncing around in his head, and people get to listen to him.

Am I missing something here or have my fellow lefties completely gone off the deep end and want us to drop free speech?
#16 Absolutely. Nice deflection though.
@11: let me correct your misconceptions.

on jan. 20th, at UW's red square, a Rightist was pepper spraying the Antifa demonstrators. An Antifa medic took the pepper spray away from the Rightist, whereupon the Rightist's Rightist wife shot him point blank in the guts.

and they both walk around free today.
9 I applaud the University of Florida for upholding the 1st amendment right of free speech, even though I disagree with Spencer. Also, it is not Spencer who costs the University 500 K, but it is the people who are trying to trample on his rights and will, surely, riot and smash shit. It is their fault, not his.

Ironically, The Stranger provided a story where someone pepper sprayed Muslims for just being Muslim. So people can just as easily say, if they applied the lefties logic here, that Muslims deserved being pepper sprayed because they believe in hateful ideology (which Islam is) so it was their own fault.
It's not "free"speech if it costs taxpayers half a million. Make that motherfucker pay his own security.

Ben Shapiro had to pony up 66k for security at Berkeley. Wtf U Florida?

And blip, either you're playing stupid or you're the real deal. You can't assemble and protest other people's ideas without the proper permitting (which is easy and virtually no one is rejected) and call it free speech. That's called unlawful assembly (or a mob or riot). Dumbass.
#6, 21:

I assume you're equally outraged about city paying upwards of $400,000 to indemnify Kshama Sawant. Her "free speech" is costing the city big bucks. You know, money that could be used to fund two sanctioned homeless encampments for an entire year.
@21. 22 Blip is truly an idiot. Yes, when you try to SILENCE and DEOLATFORM someone, that is infringing on their right to free speech, you dumbass and a half. And that is what the protesters are doing. And then they bitch and moan about their free speech. Fucking hypocrites. They don't give a fuck about free speech if they are infringing on someone else's rights. Once you infringe on someone else's rights, that nullifies your own right to free speech.

Not only are the protesters doing that but they are also preventing people from entering the premises thus infringing on right of freedom of assembly.

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