
Happy Belated Halloween, Dan!

For the last three nights, I have proudly illuminated carved pumpkins on my porch here in Portland, Oregon, in the hope that some witchy powers inherent to my nether regions will further propel the demise of Orange Julius Caesar's administration. I am somewhat disappointed that I didn't have any adults come ring my doorbell to say "fuck yeah!", so that I could give them candy that hardly any children came to collect. Since you originated the ITMFA acronym (and its antecedent), and I wanted to head off any cease-and-desist letters, I thought I would share a couple of photos of my porch display with you!

I got lots of notes from folks who carved ITMFA into pumpkins in this run up to Halloween — so maybe it's not a coincidence that Manafort got hauled into court on All Hallows' Eve eve?
