From bullwinkle, from last week's post of a Scott Foldesi painting:

Look at the right side of the park bench. See the things holding it up? They're what I referred to as 'supporting struts'. There's two of them. Now, follow along down to where they meet the floor. There's a bar of metal set perpendicular to them, which extends over to the left side of the bench.

Are you looking to the left side of the bench now?

Do you notice that a) the perpendicular bar in the foreground does not lie on the same horizontal axis on the left side of the planter? That's what I was referring to when I questioned the merit of Foldesi's work on the basis of his "apparent inability to convincingly paint the support struts of a park bench in perspective".

Did you also notice that b) the left-facing park bench has only one 'supporting strut' holding it up? that's what I was referring to when I elaborated on a) by mentioning their absence.

I certainly could go on; in fact, I will. The only element in this composition that's worth a damn is the park bench itself, and even that's a botched job. You can see that some amount of effort has been made to build some perspective, marred as it is by the planters, which have a bright flatness to them that make them look as though they're from some other composition entirely.

And about the horrid things coming out from the planters, they look utterly flat, a non-commital, textural afterthought. But where it really grinds to a halt is unfortunately with the only other element at play: the contemptibly cliched (and lazy) use of a gridwork of white squares to add depth.

I also note the colour scheme... or the effort made to adhere to one, at any rate. If you could edit out those awful abstract ficus, you might just have something to work with.

Oh, but wait, I'm supposed to be impressed with the distorted reflections of the white squares in perspective. Look, they're a slightly different tone of beige. Amazing.

This is just the sort of thing that the parents of art students pay to have framed so they can hang it up on the off-white walls of their off-white living rooms, right over their beige couches, where they then can proceed to never look at it again until they move.

All in all I would characterize this composition as bland, commercial, and poorly-executed. And so, to "Dr Mambo" in remark #9 I say, who's the retard now, retard?

I'm not saying bullwinkle's right, just that he's not boring and predictable. Thank you, bullwinkle.