I have no idea whether or not Drowsiness (playing this Sunday at the Seattle Polish Film Festival) is a good movie, and I have previously quite enjoyed myself at the SPFF. HOWEVER, no block of text has ever made me want to stay home and watch HBO's True Blood* quite so effectively as this synopsis of Drowsiness:

There are people who constantly dwell in a state of emotional lethargy. They live in catastrophic relationships and, instead of making a change in their lives, they passively fade away into spiritual emptiness. Despite the fact that they cannot take it any longer, none of the characters in this film have the courage to change their lives.

Sorry, what were you saying? I just drowned. On purpose.

*And HBO's True Blood is a profoundly trashy and ridiculous show. (Seriously, Jason Stackhouse, are you earth's most suggestible human? Am I really going to have to deal with Jessica for an entire fucking season? Lafayette, what are you doing later and do you want to hang out? And also, MUST WE WATCH A TEN MINUTE SEGMENT OF SOOKIE EATING PIE AND CRYING AND WHY IS SHE CONSTANTLY WEARING A DELICATE YET CLEARLY UNCOMFORTABLE NIGHTIE!? Sike**, I love you anyway, HBO's True Blood, and thanks for putting Frank Sobotka on my TV again.)

**I don't give a shit how many times you people internet-yell at me about this. I think "sike" is funnier than "psych," and I'm only saying it to be funny anyway, and do I have to explain the joke?