It's kind of an off day for DVD releases.

First out is JCVD, the movie about making a movie about Jean-Claude Van Damme. Frankly, I'm waiting for the sequel: Dolph! The Musical!. This one is also available on Netflix's Watch Instantly feature.

Megan Seling was hilariously disappointed in Bride Wars:

I’m glad your weddings were booked on the same day and inevitably ruined, you little twits. I’m glad you got dyed orange days before your wedding, Anne Hathaway, and I wish you’d have gotten even fatter, Kate Hudson! You’re both jerks, and I hate you.

I was profoundly unmoved, but at least not offended, by Hotel for Dogs:

At least the movie isn't all bad. Two orphans (Julia Roberts' niece Emma Roberts, a natural-born fluff-movie star, and the Monchichi-faced Jake T. Austin, bland for a boy genius) transform an abandoned hotel into, derr, a hotel for dogs. The Rube Goldberg devices the orphans employ to entertain and groom the dogs are somewhat clever for a family-friendly Hollywood movie, but they're not worth making a special trip to the theater for. There are poop and pee jokes, but not so many to make the film offensive. There is educational multiculturalism (the black girl steps in a lot of dog poo, but then the white girl does, too, because we're all equal!).

Evan Stewart thought The Uninvited was bad, but it did apparently make him hungry.

The Uninvited doesn't know whether it wants to be a classic thriller or teenage crap. It is equal parts Hitchcock, The O.C., and The Boxcar Children, with a dash of M. Night Shyamalan at the end to leave a bad taste in your mouth. All these conflicting elements form a mélange of lameness, some kind of bad-movie casserole.

Also out on DVD are Never Surrender; Jetsons: The Movie; The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie; several X-Men cartoons, The Centerfold Girls ("When she agrees to pose nude in a prominent men's magazine, beautiful nurse Jackie (Jaime Lyn Bauer) couldn't possibly have predicted that she'd attract the unwelcome attention of madman with two things: bloodlust and a straight razor."); 1966 spy spoof Lightning Bolt; Booby Hatch ("Sparks explode when two frustrated workers at the world's biggest erotic toy manufacturer finally meet, solving both of their problems in ways they never anticipated."); The Hit; Legally Blondes (starring the cousins of Reese Witherspoon's Legally Blonde character); five Puppet Master movies, The Waltons: Season 9; Barbra Streisand: Live at the Arrowhead Pond 1994; and much more that you can read about here.