9d3a/1241824774-mostcommentedmay8.pngUgh. Look at that list. Look how gay it is, how marriage-y, how Savage. Seven out of ten posts! People really care about that lady in California, or Joe the Plumber, or Elizabeth freakin' Edwards? Don't you think it's high time for a little Friday afternoon round of Knock Dan Savage Out of Some of Those Most Commented Spots?

Agreed! The tech department just sent along a list of the runners-up for the most-commented box, the posts that would make it over the hurdle with just a few more comments. It is extremely annoying to report that seven of the ten runners-up posts are also by Savage (this one, this one, this one...), leaving only three by non-Dan-Savage-people that have anything close to a shot at making it in there.

Don't you have any more to say about this inappropriately large fish Lindy West saw recently in Vancouver? It's number 11 on the list of runners-up. Very close!

Don't you have any more insight on the cave-dwelling, homo-subtext-in-Star-Trek-despising commenters at Newsweek's website, which led Paul Constant to heap praise on Slog's commenters yesterday? Think of all that Paul does for you, day in and day out. How can he and Lindy not be on the most-commented list?

The dark-horse, outside-shot runner-up (currently the 19th-most-commented) is the one about my brother going off to war, but it's too far down to ever make it. So: giant fish! Say more about the giant fish!

Meanwhile, most-commented on Line Out: Adrian Ryan ate a muffin by Modest Mouse (or something) yesterday that had a hair in it (allegedly!); a dispute involving a pizza place, Mad Rad, and obnoxious signage; and boob-licking at the Cha Cha.

UPDATE: Lindy makes the list! That was fast.