Navy Times:

fabb/1243965402-inthenavy.jpgLt. Shane Dillman, the Navy chaplain accused of several sex-related offenses involving four female shipmates, was found guilty Monday of forcing a female junior enlisted sailor to have sex with him. He was found not guilty of two other sexual assault charges regarding the same female sailor.

Military judge Capt. Moira Modzelewski is currently deliberating his sentence in Norfolk, Va. The government asked for 12 years confinement and dismissal from the service. The defense asked for not more than two years confinement.

Remember, kids: There is no morality without religion—and we can't let gays serve openly in the military because it would be bad for order and discipline and morale. I mean, this rapist chaplain might not have been able to get it up if he thought some gay sailor dude was checking out his ass.