A man lets his two pit bulls run off leash in front of a high school on a Sunday morning, in violation of city leash laws, and a passing cop stops and tells him to leash his fucking dogs. One of the dogs—only nine months old, but weighing in at 72 pounds and already pitugly—charges the officer... and the officer pulls out his service revolver and shoots the dog in the head. The dog lived and the dog's owner wants the city of Lancaster, PA, to pay the vet bills. Nope, says the city, our officers don't have to wait until they're actually being mauled to shoot a threatening dog.

The dog's owner—who let his two pits off leash in front of a high school on a Sunday morning with small children nearby—naturally faults the cop, asking why the cop didn't just get back in his car if he was afraid of the dog.
