They have to realize—the enemies of equality—that their "victories" aren't going to stop us from pressing for our rights?

The okay has been given to supporters of an initiative to legalize gay marriage in California to gather signatures to put the measure before voters in 2010. If approved, the amendment to the California Constitution would nullify Proposition 8, which outlawed gay marriage.

Supporters, lead by the Sacramento group “Yes on Equality,” say the amendment would make it clear that it is not intended to modify or change the curriculum in any school or to mandate or require clergy of any church or religious institution to perform a service or duty inconsistent with his or her faith.

Want the gay marriage issue to "go away"? Don't want to have to listen to arguments, pro or con, about gay marriage? Don't want the gay marriage debate to dominate the news? Think this issue is a silly distraction compared to other, more important issues? Great: legalize gay marriage and the distracting debate about gay marriage will end. But that's the only thing that will end it.