f925/1248719341-100_1598.jpgChicago has loosened up Brad Biancardi. His show at Grey Gallery this summer (delicious images here) does include some of his more haunting work, but it's also got a collage of crashed Hummers, a self-portrait with a Roman nose, a naked man under a salon hair drier (or an alien spaceship), and some, well, snakes on a painting.

Biancardi sends perspectives flying, throws two dimensions into an imagined three. He adds another trick in the biggest work at Grey this summer: a piano with a truly three-dimensional keyboard made in collaboration with Seattle artist Jason Wood. It's called Duet for Broken Piano, and it's based on a piano Biancardi actually owns.

The sound that comes out when you tap the keyboard (which is loaded with contact microphones) varies a little bit up and down the keyboard, but mostly comes out as a series of thuddish noises, collapsing the usual dimensionality of music. The telescoping happens again, but in reverse, and to sound, while at the same time it's occurring on the surface of the wall, where the parts and strings of the upright appear as if from several perspectives at once. In Biancardi's work, all solids are permeable.



Here's a classic, but new, Biancardi: Entry Way Exit Way, also 2009. It's 18 by 8 inches, smaller than a textbook—but you enter right into it. Maybe it's the light (in the color), or how the doorway doesn't feel quite upright. Whatever. It calls you way in and pushes you way out.
