Insurance Lobby Wins: So-called "health care reform" bill becomes mandate for poor and middle-income people to pay sizable chunks of their income to insurance companies. Reid trying to find 60th vote in Senate, while Lieberman, the insurance-lobbyists' muppet, remains repugnant shill.

Fare Deal: Port commission dumps STITA, the exclusive cab company working at the airport—insead handing the business to Yellow Cab, which made a lower offer—but that could leave up to 400 drivers out of work. Or, of course, getting jobs at Yellow Cab.

Don't AK-47s Make Us Safer? Three liberal state lawmakers introduce bill to ban military-style semi-automatic weapons.

Swine Flu Vaccine: Everywhere you want to be—unless you happen to live in 25 of the 50 states.

Uh, Sorry About That: Florida man who was convicted of raping a nine-year-old boy released from prison after 35 years when DNA evidence shows he didn't commit the crime.

Hugo Chavez on the Crumbling Copenhagen Talks: "If the climate was a bank, a capitalist bank, [the West] would have saved it by now."

Hillary Swoops In: Pledges $100 billion in US support to developing countries to mitigate climate change—but if India and China don't cooperate, she says, no dough.

Poll Sister: Clinton's public approval rating hits 75 percent while Obama's drops to 51 percent.

More Successful Than "Health Care Reform," I Hope: Joe Biden pushes $5 billion tax credit for clean energy to spur job growth.

Head in the Clouds: Delta pilots flew 100 miles past destination because they were having a passive-aggressive cockpit spat.

Interviews with the flight crew and other documents released Wednesday by the National Transportation Safety Board indicate the pilots were completely unaware of their predicament until the moment the intercom rang. They were unaware that they had flown their Airbus A320 with 144 passenger more than 100 miles past their destination, that air traffic controllers and their airline's dispatchers had been struggling to reach them for more than an hour, or that the military was at that moment readying fighter jets for an intercept mission. ...

The pair were flying together for the first time. Cheney characterized Cole's piloting skills as "OK, but I've flown with better." He complained that Cole had missed some steps when they were readying for takeoff because he apparently was still learning Delta's procedures.

Pakistan: Officials harass, deny visas to US diplomats.

The Top 10 Quotes of 2009: "Keep your government hands off my Medicare," "The governor is hiking the Appalachian Trail," and more.

Sweet Jesus: Let's bring Slog up a gay notch: