Our tech guys are apparently "sick," (which really means they're either smoking marijuana at home or smoking marijuana on vacation) so Tim offered me "one-hundred large," by which I assume he means either one hundred pennies or one hundred of God-knows-what from one of his drug dealers, to "stay around for the week and make sure the internet tubes don't overheat." And since he's still garnishing my wages for a clerical error, I figured I could use either to get through the winter.

There were a few stragglers left around the office yesterday, but today it looks like either Paul and Dan fired up those machines that write blog posts for them somewhere outside of the office, or they're not writing any (thanks guys), and it's mighty quiet in here.

Just me, Jeff Poulin and his soiled underwear hanging on the wall:


Kelly O and Jay's disgusting coffee pot that they never clean out:


Several pallets of the understandably discontinued alcoholic malt beverage Rize (pictured earlier in the week):


And this troublingly bare vending machine, which I will be forced to patronize later when I'm drunk:
