The Telegraph-Journal (New Brunswick, Canada):

"The intensely personal, morally demanding Pentecostal faith is by far the fastest-growing religion in the world, now with 640 million followers and double-digit growth rates every year."

The Telegraph (UK):

There are now over a billion Muslims in the world, a majority in 50 nations. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today….conversion growth is also a reality, particularly in Africa where many nominal Christians are being won to Islam.

The Times of India (from an interview with batshit "philosopher" Slávoj Zizek):

But what’s your stand on political violence?

In an abstract sense, I am opposed to violence. But nobody is actually against violence. Look at the Buddhists. They say you shouldn’t kill, but then they have all the exceptions. During the 40s, one of the great Zen philosophers was writing articles not only justifying Japanese invasion of China but also giving advice on how Buddhist enlightenment allows you to kill without guilt.

How can you dismiss Buddhism so easily? It’s the fastest growing religion in the world.

In the West, Buddhism is the new predominant ideology.