Do you like to look at clothes? Then perhaps you should consider stopping by Seattle Central Community College, where today brings the Final Line and Portfolio Show of this year's graduates from SCCC's freakishly rigorous Apparel Design Program.

Full info on the daylong, public exhibition in readable font size here.


Do you like looking at hilariously awful movies in high-tech formats? Then perhaps you should consider stopping by the just-released Showgirls: 15th Anniversary Sinsational Blu-Ray Disc.

I have no idea what a Blu-Ray Disc is, but this particular one includes a commentary track supplied by me.

(I'd label this "conflict of interest," but I make no money off the sale of such DVDs/Blu-Ray Discs/whatever science invents next. MGM just gave me a flat fee to get lightly baked and babble into a mic while watching the (original) DVD of Showgirls at Bad Animals Studios. The recording technician had never seen the movie before. We had a blast.)