A high school in Dallas barred a trans student—Andy Morena—from running for Homecoming Queen. She got enough votes to be one of the finalists for Homecoming Queen but school administrators took her name off the final ballot because, well, because. Because somewhere there's a rule that people can only run for Homecoming Queen if they were born female and Homecoming King if they were born male. Morena's fellow students staged a rally in her support yesterday—and another trans student is running for Homecoming King:

When Moreno was nominated for queen, Ortega, also a male-to-female transgender, decided to run for king. “I didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable,” Ortega said. “I decided to run with her so she wouldn’t have to run alone,” Ortega said.

Ortega spoke to Escanilla about running. The principal allowed her to run based on birth gender. Although she may be elected king, she’s planning to wear a dress to homecoming.

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