Years ago, we witnessed the following conversation:

CREDULOUS NERD: How am I supposed to get off the island in Super Mario World?

MEAN NERD: You need to kill Yoshi and make a boat out of his skin.

CREDULOUS NERD: How do you do that?

MEAN NERD: [Stunned, self-satisfied silence]

CREDULOUS NERD: [Deepening sense of shame and self-doubt]

This is Yoshi.
  • Nintendo
  • This is Yoshi.

Oh, Yoshi. You're the cutest, bravest dinosaur ever, and you inspire us so much, in so many different ways. Men want to ride you, women want to be saved by you, and some few visionaries, like Donald "kodykoala" Kennedy, want to turn you into a beautiful monster:

This, too, is Yoshi.
  • Donald "kodykoala" Kennedy
  • This, too, is Yoshi.

Mean Nerd: prophet or trend-spotter? When we've found evidence of Zombie Yoshi porn (maybe featuring kodykoala's remarkable Zombie Princess Peach?), this round of Internet Bingo will be complete. In the meantime, check out more nerdy, lovable mods.

(Thanks, Slog Tipper Jessie!)

The Stranger Testing Department is Rob Lightner and Paul Hughes.