(Superman comic book-related Spoiler warning. Stop reading now if you care about monthly Superman comics and you still haven't read Action Comics # 900.)

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Yesterday, I was relishing the prospect of teabaggers finding out that Superman has renounced his United States citizenship. Slog tipper Justin let me know today that the story has hit Fox News, and their commenters are exactly as upset as you'd imagine:

Artists of all kinds are utterly nuts. They're so out of their minds that they believe communism and socialism are the goals to achieve. Will they ever realize that the USA is the greatest experiment in world history and - at least up to now - is the strongest country in the world? That's why the US has kept the world perking along. Without our entrepeneurism, freedom, liberty and properity, the world would be worse off. Leftists don't believe that, but it shows their mental incompetence.

Give the guy a break, he probably just had a gut full of Obama.

Bummer. I grew up in the days of comic books and superman. Evil has taken over....as we see in much of real life now.

Only liberal freaks could assign life to a comic book character. Send him back to Krypton ,if any of that planet sill exists. I believe we are seeing the alta ego of many in the Obama regime. The Joker,Lex Luther, etc. Now it's up to you to decide which one is Obama!!!

I am stunned and disappointed. I had several hundred Superman comic books as a kid (wish I still had them). Well, I guess Superman has gone multicultural on us. Stinkin' traitor.

What's next? Lois Lane wearing a berka

YOU . YOU, you are the one that chits on America!

The problem is that leftist writers are in charge of writing about our fictional heroes. Like all leftists, anything that represents Americana is to be vilified and rejected. For example, the director of the new Captain America film has said that the captain would not be a flag waving patriot. Captain America is called Captain America for a reason! And Clark Kent is an illegal alien, in the absolute literate sense, and was raised and adopted by Americans. The irony is that if the same thing were to happen in real life, and an illegal Mexican kid was adopted by Americans, these same leftists would lecture you about how this kid is just as American as someone who was born here, and therefore worthy of citizenship.

I have always been an advocate of the opt out policy. If I don't agree with something my Family and I don't participate in it, whether it's changing the name of something from Easter egg hunt to egg hunt or changing superman's citizenship. Remember the people who support dems need the people who support conservatives to survive, we don't need them. DON'T BUY THE COMIC

Superman's next villain will be Amabo - a scummy creature who devalued America's dollar, wrecked it's health care system, and destroyed America's access to fossil fuels.