Adam Smith: Not interested in seeing Bin Ladens corpse.
  • Adam Smith: Not interested in seeing Bin Laden's corpse.
Looks like most of you agree with Congressman Adam Smith's decision not to view the Bin Laden photos, even though he was offered the opportunity as a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

But! For the record, he agrees with his decision too, and here's why:

“I don’t need it to be proven," Smith told me by phone today, speaking of Bin Laden's death. "And I don’t think we should release the photos. So why am I going to see them? Morbid curiosity?”

Smith doesn't need Bin Laden's death to be proven, he said, because he trusts the word of President Obama. And he doesn't want the photos released, he said, because he see that as a proposition with "all downside, no upside." Releasing the photos, Smith added, would "confirm that there’s a scintilla of doubt when there’s not," and in addition "could lead to some unpredictable backlashes.”

So there.