Next Monday, the Republican presidential candidates (except poor Gary Johnson) will gather in New Hampshire to debate. We will of course be live-Slogging the whole thing. But we've noticed that there've been some changes to CoverItLive's live-blogging widget—specifically, some intrusive ads that interfere with the comment stream—and so we wanted to ask you what you think: Should we use CoverItLive, or should we update a single Slog post, old-school style? Let me explain the pros and cons of CoverItLive:

PROS: Your comments are right there in the stream with ours. It's easy to stay in the current moment. It's a solid widget that doesn't crash.

CONS: Increasingly intrusive ads. It's really difficult to look back through the stream and read it like a document.

And here are the pros and cons of updating a single Slog post:

PROS: No ads in the post. It would be easy to go back and read the post after the event is over.

CONS: Your comments are below the post. You'd have to continually refresh the post to keep it current.

So, what do you think?