In the Queer Issue, Dan Savage has a couple things he wants to say to bisexuals:

I'm not bi-phobic—in fact, I love bisexual people so much, I wish there were more of them. I do find some bisexuals scary, particularly the ones who are always accusing me of being bi-phobic....

Not only would it be great if more bisexuals were out to their partners, it would be great if more bisexuals in opposite-sex relationships were out to their friends, families, and coworkers. More out bisexuals would mean less of that bisexual invisibility that bisexuals are always complaining about.

And I write about queers who sleep with straight people:

There are so many shallow thrills involved with sleeping with a straight guy: Straight guys are adorably nervous, you get to be in on a big secret, you get to brag to gay friends that you slept with a straight guy. Abstractly, you feel like you're conquering that which you were most frightened of in high school (the straight guy), but the truth is, you're just setting yourself up to be conquered by him in a whole new way, defeated by his inevitable disinterest.