Just another way bisexuals are cruelly oppressed: whenever an anti-gay politician or preacher gets caught with a male prostitute or flashing his butthole on Grindr everybody just assumes "closeted fag." No one even bothers to "entertain the possibility that the philanderer was bisexual."

That does seem unfair. I'm going to go out of my way to identify all philandering hypocrites as bisexual from here on out. Wouldn't want people to think I'm biphobic.

UPDATE: I was just teasing, kids, just teasing. But seriously: the failure to note that Ted Haggard or George Rekers or Phil Hinkle could very well be closeted bi guys—and not closted gay guys—when their respective scandals broke might be evidence of biphobia and it certainly contributes to bi invisibility. But is it such a bad thing? Gee, I'll try to do better in the future. But I'm thinking that if we gays go out of our way to note that the next Ted or George or Phil could very be a closeted bi guy, well, I'm guessing some bisexual activists will have a problem with that. I expect I'll be accused of invoking harmful stereotypes about bisexual men—that all bi guys marry women, that they're all closeted, that they can't keep a monogamous commitment, that they cheat on their wives with men—and get in trouble for that too.