Politico says:

The White House just announced that President Barack Obama is seeking to address a joint session of Congress at 8 p.m. Sept. 7 to lay out his jobs plan to deal with the economy.

By sheer coincidence, we're sure, that's also the same time of the POLITICO/NBC News debate with the 2012 Republican hopefuls.

Politico goes on to suggest that President Obama is doing this to look presidential in comparison to the Republicans, who wil doubtlessly be sniping at each other about how much they can limit government's role in everything. Politico doesn't mention, though, that this is sort of a risky move on the White House's part. If something at the Republican debate turns out to be big news—if, say, Herman Cain says something sexist to Michele Bachmann, or if Rick Perry hits Mitt Romney in a particularly vicious way—it'll make the president look insignificant, downright Carterish, when the media leads with debate news the next day.

But enough speculation! We can settle this right now, with a Slog poll: