One of my favorite Twitter feeds is Humblebrag, which is made up entirely of retweeted posts by people trying to sound humble even as they boast about how awesome they are. Now, the Occupy movement has its own Humblebrag: A Tumblr called We are the 1 percent. We stand with the 99 percent. It's made up of ridiculously wealthy people who are sending a heartfelt go-get-'em-tiger down to the little people:

My parents are the American Dream: they both came from poverty and worked their way through public universities, served their country, and are now part of the 1%. They volunteer, donate, vote, pray, and recycle. They’re great people.
They own 8 houses and 5 Americans cars between the two of them.They know the system is flawed, they just don’t know what to do about it.
I believe you do. I stand with the 99%.

There's probably some way to handle this in an appropriate, considerate manner, but most of these posts fail the appropriate test. This is like starting a Tumblr called "I Secretly Have a Giant Penis." Way to be condescending, guys.