Tonight at 8 pm ET is the CNN Republican National Security Debate, which is co-sponsored by The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Plus: It's hosted by Wolf Blitzer! You can watch a livestream on or, if you have something called "cay-bull tell-ah-vision," you can "tune" your "dial" to CNN, too.

This is the fourth Republican debate in two weeks, which is enough conservatism to make even John Wayne cry hot tears of surrender. But the good news is that this is the last debate until December 10th, which will be the final debate before the Iowa Caucuses. We're in the home stretch, folks! Join us at 5 pm right here on Slog, where a crack team of master debaters—including Dan Savage, Christopher Frizzelle, Eli Sanders, Goldy, Grant Brissey, and myself—will parse the hell out of whatever the hell happens to our ear-holes.

Here are my predictions for tonight:

Rick Perry will make two jokes about how dumb Rick Perry is. Ron Paul will further alienate the Republican base by daring to suggest that America should not be the policeman of the world. "Frontrunner" Newt Gingrich's newly reinflated ego will result in some sort of a huge gaffe. Mitt Romney will be as bland as ever. Rick Santorum will be outraged every single time he answers a question, which means Rick Santorum will be outraged exactly three times. Jon Huntsman will continue to be every Democrat's wet dream. Michele Bachmann will be present in body, but not in spirit. Herman Cain will embarrass Republicans who were excited about Herman Cain three weeks ago.

Join us at 5!