Reacting to my column this week, Jon Bershad at Mediaite writes...

Many people who just see Rick Santorum as another GOP candidate with a chance to oust Barack Obama forget about the values and ideas that he has been espousing for years and the very real ways they affect people in this country. They see the whole Google thing as juvenile and, y’know, it is. After all, it’s basically just an incredibly complicated poop joke. However, it’s the most important poop joke of our time (again, who wouldn’t want that title?). Until Santorum takes back his hateful comments, that definition will haunt him. In a perfect world, his comments themselves would follow him but we live in a 24-hour news cycle so that’s impossible. His “Google problem” will have to suffice, working as a perfect, frothy reminder of the things he stands for.

Bershad gets it. As I wrote yesterday and as the originator of the idea to redefine Santorum's name predicted: the whole point of the "frothy mix" campaign was to make sure Santorum would forever be forced to eat, own, and answer for his hateful comments about gays and lesbians. Mission accomplished.