Happy Valentine's Day, dino-lovers! You should head on over to Dinosaur Tracking, Smithsonian Magazine's dinosaur blog, and check out Brian Switek's series on dinosaur sex! Hot hot dino-on-dino action!!!

Exactly how dinosaurs got it on has inspired no small amount of speculation. The largest dinosaurs of all, the sauropods, have been especially perplexing. We often say that these dinosaurs “shook the earth” with their footsteps, but did they also make the bed rock with their lovemaking? (I apologize for that joke, and will keep the geology puns to a minimum. Promise.)

Don't ever apologize for puns, Brian!

Direct links to the posts:
How Did the Biggest Dinosaurs Get it On?
Sex and Dinosaur Necks
Intimate Secrets of Dinosaur Lives
The Anatomy of Dinosaur Sex

In other dinosaur romance, check out these giant kissing dinosaurs in Beijing! Awwwwwww.

h/t to Laura for the dino-sex stories! Have a hot dinosaur news tip? Send it to dinosaurs@thestranger.com