This week's short is OC Notes cinematic and musical remix of Sidney Lument’s strangest film The Wiz: “Emerald City Sequence.” With this short, OC Notes, the producer for the local hiphop acts Fresh Espresso and Metal Chocolates, enters a territory that the famous NYC producer DJ Spooky discovered with his remix of Birth of a Nation: Rebirth of a Nation. I’m always interested in experiments that involve two of my loves (hiphop and cinema), and this particular experiment contains some of OC Notes' best music.

Click on this magical image:


Speaking of music and cinema, tonight the Northwest Film Forum launches its week of new and underappreciated American indie films with Andrew Bird: Fever Year, a documentary about about, of course, Bird, a classically trained musician whose work is not at all traditional...


The director of the doc, Xan Aranda, will be at the screening.