Cozy! Cute! Gone!
  • Slog reader Melanie
  • Cozy! Cute! Gone!

Slog reader Melanie writes:

The little be-sweatered trees around the courthouse are back to being nude. Does anyone at The Stranger know why?

Dominic points out that trees are people, too, and no one wants to always wear the same sweater.

For my part, may I direct your attention to what happens to these cozy, cute sweaters applied to inanimate objects when they are left there forever by neglectful knitters? This is on the bike rack where I lock my bike every day and IT IS GROSS and THERE ARE TWO, ONE ON EACH END. Why don't I remove them myself? 1.) I didn't put them there, and 2.) DOG-LEVEL. The horror.

Anti-cozy! No longer cute! STILL THERE!
  • The Stranger
  • Anti-cozy! No longer cute! STILL THERE!